Tough Soil Cleaner
Tough Soil Cleaner
Tough Soil Cleaner is very effective on the Solar panels against the cement dust, Metal dust, Chemical dust, marks of the Chemical fumes, rust, Carbon dust, etc. It is a concentrate and is used in dilution.
Tough Soil Cleaner
The Tough Soil Cleaner is the solution used to clean extra tough dirt from the Solar Panels. This includes cement dust, Chemical fumes’ stains, Hard water Marks, Chemical dirt, etc. This is also an effective mean to remove the hard water marks. The Tough Soil Cleaner brings your Solar panels to the brand new level.
How Does "The Tough Soil Cleaner" Work?
Tough Soil Cleaner is a strong cleaning agent. It is used in dilution. Once after the dirt lump / particlescome in contact with the Tough Soil Cleaner, it penetrates through the layer of impurity. It percolates through the impurity. This causes loosening of the bonding formed between the impurity and the Panel Surface.
In order to get the best effect of the Solar Glass Shield, we guarantee to remove the bonding or any old dust by using the following Cleaning Material.